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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 44 No. 12. June 8 1981

Sit-In Sit-In Sit-In Sit-In Sit-In Sit-In Sit-In Fed up with being Ignored? Come along next Wednesday to show your opposition to the Tertiary Assistance Grants system. What's happening? A meeting between Education Department representatives, Vice Chancellors' Committee and NZUSA representatives to discuss the success of the whole Tertiary Assistance Grants (TAG) Scheme. This is the first meeting of this sort where the Education Department is prepared to listen to criticisms of the scheme - just…

Sit-In Sit-In Sit-In Sit-In Sit-In Sit-In Sit-In Fed up with being Ignored? Come along next Wednesday to show your opposition to the Tertiary Assistance Grants system. What's happening? A meeting between Education Department representatives, Vice Chancellors' Committee and NZUSA representatives to discuss the success of the whole Tertiary Assistance Grants (TAG) Scheme. This is the first meeting of this sort where the Education Department is prepared to listen to criticisms of the scheme - just a year and a half too late now to change things for students of 1980/81. Where? Down at the old wooden Government building, opposite the Beehive, at 10.30 am Wednesday June 10. We want to show the Education Department that we're sick of waiting for long overdue Hardship application replies, sick of going through the form filling and letter writing again and again to prove that we can't afford to come to university, and sick of being pushed to the side. We want to see Mr Henry (chief official of the Education Department contingent) and to ask him what's being done about our situation. We'll sit in the foyer of the building until he consents to speak with us. Meet at Hunter Carpark (behind Union building) at 10.00 am, and there'll be a bus to take us down to the meeting. There we'll sit until we see Mr Henry. If you've been given a rough deal - this is your chance to register a protest! Wednesday June 10 10.00 am Hunter Carpark