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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 10

Statistics of the Different Provinces of New Zealand, December 1864. PROVINCES. North Island. English Territory. Native Territory. Total Area of Provinces. Population, exclusive of Military and their Families. Land Revenue during Year 1862. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Acres. Acres. Acres. AUCKLAND 3,590,360 13,511,070 17,101,430 42,132 129,147 6,572† 7482 42,294 73,151 TARANAKI 560,000 1,899,360 2,459,360 4,374 8,134 545 737 4,229 12,350 WELLINGTON 4,156,479 3,416,641 7,573,120 14,937 127,350 18,525…

Statistics of the Different Provinces of New Zealand, December 1864. PROVINCES. North Island. English Territory. Native Territory. Total Area of Provinces. Population, exclusive of Military and their Families. Land Revenue during Year 1862. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Acres. Acres. Acres. AUCKLAND 3,590,360 13,511,070 17,101,430 42,132 129,147 6,572† 7482 42,294 73,151 TARANAKI 560,000 1,899,360 2,459,360 4,374 8,134 545 737 4,229 12,350 WELLINGTON 4,156,479 3,416,641 7,573,120 14,937 127,350 18,525 7356 49,200 411,502 HAWKE'S BAY 1,757,821 1,108,269 2,866,090 3770 65,671 27,384 2780 14,552 537,094 Total of North Island 10,064,660 19,935,340 30,000,000 65,263 330,302 53,026 18,355 110,275 1,034,097 South Island. Acres. Acres. Acres. £ NELSON (about) 6,500,000 Nominal. 6,500,000 11,910 91,411 63,298 3597 15,825 341,281 MARLBOROUGHN 2,500,000 Only a few Native Reserves, along the Cast in each of the provinces. 2,500,000 5,515 86,033 13,747 2735 7483 456,374 CANTERBURY 14,500,000 14,500,000 32,247 342,417 207,327 10,868 45,263 1,567,320 OTAGO 16,000,000 16,000,000 48,907 149,699 116,170 11,267 56,945 1,311,345 SOUTHLAND, and Stewart's Island 3,500,000 3,500,000 8,085 70,341 53,086 2579 13,230 235,056 Total of South Island 43,000,000 43,000,000 106,664 739,901 453,628 31,046 138,746 3,911,376 Add North Hand 10,064,660 19,935,340 30,000,000 65,263 330,302 53,026 18,355 110,275 1,034,097 Grand Total 53,064,660 19,935,340 73,000,000 171,927 1,070,203 506,654‡ 49,401 249,021 4,945,473 † 0,000 acres were also granted without purchase in lieu of passage-money. ‡ The Land Revenue for the Southern Island alone, during the year 1864, actually exceeded this amounto (See previous Table, p. 8.)