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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 24

[000's omitted.]

Consumable. Non-Consumable. Total. £ £ £ 1866 — — 5,895, '67 4,179, 1,166, 5,345, '68 3,720, 1,266, 4,986, '69 3,901, 1,075, 4,976, '70 3,480, 1,159, 4,639, 1871 3,082, 996, 4,078, '72 3,702, 1,441, 5,143, '73 4,340, 2,125, 6,465, '74 5,178, 2,944, 8,122, '75 — — 8,029,

[000's omitted.]