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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 62

Allan line ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS the shortest route from great britain To Canada, Manitoba, The Great North-West, And BRITISH COLUMBIA, AND TO ALL POINTS IN THE WESTERN STATES OF AMERICA. The splendid Steamers of the Allan Royal Mail Line leave LIVERPOOL every week for CANADA and the UNITED STATES, calling at Londonderry and Queenstown, and afford the best accommodation for all classes of Passengers. OCEAN FARES—Saloon, 10 to 18 Guineas. Intermediate, £6. 6s. Steerage at Low Rates. Special advant…

Allan line ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS the shortest route from great britain To Canada, Manitoba, The Great North-West, And BRITISH COLUMBIA, AND TO ALL POINTS IN THE WESTERN STATES OF AMERICA. The splendid Steamers of the Allan Royal Mail Line leave LIVERPOOL every week for CANADA and the UNITED STATES, calling at Londonderry and Queenstown, and afford the best accommodation for all classes of Passengers. OCEAN FARES—Saloon, 10 to 18 Guineas. Intermediate, £6. 6s. Steerage at Low Rates. Special advantages are offered by the Allan Steamship Company to Passengers bound to points in CANADA, MANITOBA, and the NORTH-WEST, and BRITISH COLUMBIA. At the landing port the trains run alongside the steamers, and Passengers can continue their journey West without the inconvenience, expense, and loss of time of a transfer through the city. A Special Conductor accompanies all trains, to attend to the wants of the Passengers. Baggage is checked and sent forward by the same train as the Passengers, thus avoiding all trouble. Settlers' effects are allowed to enter free of duty, and as the route is through British territory all the way, there is no Customs overhauling after leaving Quebec. The Canadian Pacific trains run through to the Pacific Coast in about six days, being considerably less than the time taken by other routes, and Passengers have no change of cars between Quebec, Montreal, Winnipeg, and British Columbia. Special low rates are established for Tourists and Emigrants, and Emigrants have sleeping cars from Montreal, and such despatch and accommodation generally as they have never had before. Free Grants of 160 Acres of Prairie Land are obtainable in Manitoba and the North-West Provinces of Canada by every male adult of eighteen years of age and over. Adjacent lands may be purchased at 4s. 2d. per acre, with three years to pay off the amount. It is not necessary to make any binding arrangements before leaving England, as settlers can personally select their lands and obtain titles upon the spot direct from the Crown. A Substantial Bonus is granted by the Canadian Government to Settlers taking up land in Manitoba, the North-West Provinces, and British Columbia. Direct Services from Glasgow and Londonderry to New York and Boston and Philadelphia. Regular sailings from Glasgow and London to Quebec and Montreal throughout the season. Pamphlets and further Particulars can be obtained from J. & A. ALLAN, 25, Bothwell Street, Glasgow; JAMES SCOTT & Co., Queenstown; ALLAN BROTHERS & Co., 103, Leadenhall Street, London, Foyle St., Londonderry, and 19, James Street, Liverpool, OR ANY AUTHORISED AGENT OF THE LINE.