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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 73

N. C. SCHUMACHER, Successor to J. B. MILSOM, (ESTABLISHED 1859), Licensed Brewer Celehrated Hop Beer, AERATED WATER AND CORDIAL MANUFACTURER, LONDON STREET, LYTTELTON, N.Z. Shipping Supplied. Ships' own bottles refilled. N. C. SCHUMACHER, Firewood and Coal Merchant, CORNER NORWICH QUAY & DUBLIN STREET, LYTTELTON. Orders punctually attended to at Lowest Current Rates. Shipping Supplied with Dunnage Wood, &c

N. C. SCHUMACHER, Successor to J. B. MILSOM, (ESTABLISHED 1859), Licensed Brewer Celehrated Hop Beer, AERATED WATER AND CORDIAL MANUFACTURER, LONDON STREET, LYTTELTON, N.Z. Shipping Supplied. Ships' own bottles refilled. N. C. SCHUMACHER, Firewood and Coal Merchant, CORNER NORWICH QUAY & DUBLIN STREET, LYTTELTON. Orders punctually attended to at Lowest Current Rates. Shipping Supplied with Dunnage Wood, &c.