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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 73

The Oldest Established Wine Business in Christchurch. BISHOP & GARD'NER 184. ARMAGH ST., CHRISTCHURCH. Telephone 750. Ales and Stout. The Best Brands of English, German, and Colonial. European Wines, Spirits, &c. Australian Wines.—Pure, carefully selected and carefully bottled. Billiard Sundries. Teas Backed from the Chests in 6lb. and 10lb. Canisters. No blending and no Coupons. AGENTS FOR Thom and Cameron's Revatted Old Highland, Rob Roy Lochiel, V.R.O.H., and other Whiskies. N.B.—Obtainable …

The Oldest Established Wine Business in Christchurch. BISHOP & GARD'NER 184. ARMAGH ST., CHRISTCHURCH. Telephone 750. Ales and Stout. The Best Brands of English, German, and Colonial. European Wines, Spirits, &c. Australian Wines.—Pure, carefully selected and carefully bottled. Billiard Sundries. Teas Backed from the Chests in 6lb. and 10lb. Canisters. No blending and no Coupons. AGENTS FOR Thom and Cameron's Revatted Old Highland, Rob Roy Lochiel, V.R.O.H., and other Whiskies. N.B.—Obtainable direct or through any Merchant. Mackay's Liqueur, Menzies' "Auld Scottie," and Watson's "Glenlivet" Whiskies. Planque, Vinay & Co.'s Cognac Brandies. BISHOP & GARDNER'S assortment of AUSTRALIAN WINES COMPRISE— BURGUNDY, CLARET. CARBINET, CONSTANTIA, GRENACHE, RED FRONTIGNAC. PORTS (Special Old Yalumba, Old Tawny, Yalumba Fine Old, &c.), CHABLIS, HOCK, W. FRONTIGNAC, FRUITY FRONTIGNAC, MUSCADINE, MUSCAT, REISLING, SHERRY, TOKAY, VERDEILHO. FAMILY ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED.