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Arachne. No. 3

A Publishing Event! Announcing the first four of the Pegasus series of New Zealand verse. 3s. 6d. each 1. MINE EYES DAZZLE Alistair Campbell 2. THE FALCON MASK Hubert withford 3. THE BRIGHT SEA pat Wilson 4. ROUGHSHOD AMONG THE LILIES Louis Johnson The Pegasus Press 82 OXFORD TERRACE CHRISTCHURCH

A Publishing Event! Announcing the first four of the Pegasus series of New Zealand verse. 3s. 6d. each 1. MINE EYES DAZZLE Alistair Campbell 2. THE FALCON MASK Hubert withford 3. THE BRIGHT SEA pat Wilson 4. ROUGHSHOD AMONG THE LILIES Louis Johnson The Pegasus Press 82 OXFORD TERRACE CHRISTCHURCH