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The Spike or Victoria College Review, June 1907

D. I. C. Specialities IN Mercery, Colthing. and Boots. High-Class College and School Wear at Competitive Prices. DEPENDABLE MERCERY. SMART TIES, all the Newest Shapes and Colourings—1/-, 1/6, 1/9, 2/-, 2/6 to 5/6 CEYLON FLEANNEL SHIRTS, fine and warm, with and without collars—5/6, 6/6, 7/6 UNDERSHIRTS and PANTS, in Natural and Lamb's Wool, all weights—4/6, 5/6, 6/6 PYGAMA SUITS, warm, strong wearing—6/6, 7/6, 8/6 KNITT SOX, fine wool, reliable wear—1/6, 1/9 pair GOLE HOSE, in heather, black, an…

D. I. C. Specialities IN Mercery, Colthing. and Boots. High-Class College and School Wear at Competitive Prices. DEPENDABLE MERCERY. SMART TIES, all the Newest Shapes and Colourings—1/-, 1/6, 1/9, 2/-, 2/6 to 5/6 CEYLON FLEANNEL SHIRTS, fine and warm, with and without collars—5/6, 6/6, 7/6 UNDERSHIRTS and PANTS, in Natural and Lamb's Wool, all weights—4/6, 5/6, 6/6 PYGAMA SUITS, warm, strong wearing—6/6, 7/6, 8/6 KNITT SOX, fine wool, reliable wear—1/6, 1/9 pair GOLE HOSE, in heather, black, and grey, fancy turnover tops—3/3, 3/9, 4/6 pair TWEED CAPS, in newest shapes and styles—2/6, 3/6, 4/6 GLOVER, warm lined and unlined, in Kid, Buck, Reindeer, and Wool, Knit—1/6, 2/6, 3/6, 4/6, to 7/6 HIGH-CLASS CLOTHING. "Stylish Cut and Finish," BOYS' "COLLEGE" 3-GARMENT SUITS, in light and dark tweeds, buttoned at knee or continuations—25/6, 29/6, 33/6, 38/6, BOYS' BLUE SERGE 3-GREMENT COLLEGE SUITS, buttoned at knee, "stylish patterns"—27/6, 32/6, 35/6, 39/6 BOYS' NORFOLK "TWEED SUITS, strap and buckle, or buttoned at knee, "stylish patterns"—21/-, 25/-, 29/6, 32/6 DURABLE HIGH-CLASS FOOTWEAR. FINE GLACK KID BOOTS, points or round toes, welted soles, 18/6 BOX CALE BOOTS, medium or square tore, calf lined—18/6 SUPERIOR AMERICAN BOOTS, latest shapes, perfect fitting—21/- New Catalogue of Gentlemen's Mercery, Clothing, and Footwear now ready and sent post free on request. AT THE D. I. C. WELLONGTON. A. A. CORRIGAN, Manager.