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The Spike: or, Victoria College Review, June 1915

A Man's Suit is an Index of his Good Taste Or Otherwise! The man who buys his Suit from the D.I.C. can never fail to have a Suit that is a Gentleman's Suit, in perfect good taste, yet stylish and smart withal Place your next Order with the D.I.C. and put our Claims to the Test, D.I.C. Wellington D.I.C

A Man's Suit is an Index of his Good Taste Or Otherwise! The man who buys his Suit from the D.I.C. can never fail to have a Suit that is a Gentleman's Suit, in perfect good taste, yet stylish and smart withal Place your next Order with the D.I.C. and put our Claims to the Test, D.I.C. Wellington D.I.C.