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The Spike: or, Victoria College Review Capping Carnival 1922

Buy Your Pen Where You Can Get It Repaired The Four. Following Pens I can Thoroughly Recommend :— "THE ONOTO.'' 20. "THE SWAN." 25/- "THE WATERMAN," 25/- "THE CONKLIN." 17/6 I also make a Speciality of Eversharp Pencils. G. JEFFERY "The pen Doctor" 218 Lambton Quay, Wellington

Buy Your Pen Where You Can Get It Repaired The Four. Following Pens I can Thoroughly Recommend :— "THE ONOTO.'' 20. "THE SWAN." 25/- "THE WATERMAN," 25/- "THE CONKLIN." 17/6 I also make a Speciality of Eversharp Pencils. G. JEFFERY "The pen Doctor" 218 Lambton Quay, Wellington