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The Spike: or, Victoria University College Review, June 1923

THE LEADING TAILORS — KITTO &SON F. KITTO (Senr.) "DOLPH" KITTO. The Firm that has stood the test of time. Our well-known reputation for FIT. WORKMANSHIP &MATERIAL has never been equalled. Dress Suits and Ladies' Costumes a speciality. "Saltair" Serges and Suitings always in Stock. — Phone 2312 — 132 WILLIS STREET (Upstairs)

THE LEADING TAILORS — KITTO &SON F. KITTO (Senr.) "DOLPH" KITTO. The Firm that has stood the test of time. Our well-known reputation for FIT. WORKMANSHIP &MATERIAL has never been equalled. Dress Suits and Ladies' Costumes a speciality. "Saltair" Serges and Suitings always in Stock. — Phone 2312 — 132 WILLIS STREET (Upstairs)