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The Spike: or, Victoria University College Review, June 1923

THE D.I.C. for QUALITY The D.I.C. for Quality +Low Prices=Economy That is the only logical solution of the clothing problem for men. In these days of unstable market conditions it pays any man (or woman) to patronise the store which sells "Quality" wares at such prices that economies can be effected: That store is the D.I.C.—sometimes known as "the House for Quality"—That is the House whereat your should buy your needs—anything from Shoes to Hats—all man needs to wear. "Top-hole" quality at mon…

THE D.I.C. for QUALITY The D.I.C. for Quality +Low Prices=Economy That is the only logical solution of the clothing problem for men. In these days of unstable market conditions it pays any man (or woman) to patronise the store which sells "Quality" wares at such prices that economies can be effected: That store is the D.I.C.—sometimes known as "the House for Quality"—That is the House whereat your should buy your needs—anything from Shoes to Hats—all man needs to wear. "Top-hole" quality at money-saving prices. —THE D.I.C. IS AT YOUR SERVICE.— D.I.C. - - Wellington