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The Spike or Victoria University College Review June 1926

The All-British MOTOR CYCLES The DOUGLAS-The Finest twin light-weight on the market to-day. From £57/10/-to £66/10/- The B.S.A.-All chain drive and mechanical lubrication. From £66/10/- The Unapproachable NORTON Machine that wins all the British Championships. From £95/-/- THOS. H. OATES 64 DIXON STREET Write for Catalogues

The All-British MOTOR CYCLES The DOUGLAS-The Finest twin light-weight on the market to-day. From £57/10/-to £66/10/- The B.S.A.-All chain drive and mechanical lubrication. From £66/10/- The Unapproachable NORTON Machine that wins all the British Championships. From £95/-/- THOS. H. OATES 64 DIXON STREET Write for Catalogues