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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1931. Volume 2. Number 6.

FABLES FOR FRESHMEN All work and no play will make YOU a dull boy. Don't let midnight oil clog the wheels of romance. Enjoy yourself with a good partner and The Star Orchestra at the Cricket Club's Dance—October 10th. This talented and entertaining band of musicians is always available for Weddings, Socials, Dances and kindred sports. Communicate with R. BOTHAMLEY. C/o. HENRY BERRY & CO.. WELLINGTON. 'VARSITY DANCES A SPECIALTY

FABLES FOR FRESHMEN All work and no play will make YOU a dull boy. Don't let midnight oil clog the wheels of romance. Enjoy yourself with a good partner and The Star Orchestra at the Cricket Club's Dance—October 10th. This talented and entertaining band of musicians is always available for Weddings, Socials, Dances and kindred sports. Communicate with R. BOTHAMLEY. C/o. HENRY BERRY & CO.. WELLINGTON. 'VARSITY DANCES A SPECIALTY.