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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1935. Volume 6. Number 5.

University Tutorial School Individual Tuition or Small Coaching Classes Morning, Afternoon and Evening Degree Subjects: (Pass and Advanced.) LANGUAGES:—English, Latin, Greek, French, German, Italian, Spanish. B.A. and LL.B. LATIN:—Special Arrangements. SCIENCES:—Pure and Applied Mathematics (Including Eng. Calculus). Physics (including Medical Intermediate), Chemistry. (Inororganic. Organic and Physical). ENGINEERING:—Preliminary and Intermediate Examinations Individual Subjects for Civil, Elec…

University Tutorial School Individual Tuition or Small Coaching Classes Morning, Afternoon and Evening Degree Subjects: (Pass and Advanced.) LANGUAGES:—English, Latin, Greek, French, German, Italian, Spanish. B.A. and LL.B. LATIN:—Special Arrangements. SCIENCES:—Pure and Applied Mathematics (Including Eng. Calculus). Physics (including Medical Intermediate), Chemistry. (Inororganic. Organic and Physical). ENGINEERING:—Preliminary and Intermediate Examinations Individual Subjects for Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Mining Degrees. ENGLISH ENGINEERING INSTITUTIONS. Associate Membership and Preliminary Examinations (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Structural). UNIVERSITY ENTRANCE (Matriculation) AND OTHER COURSES. PARTICULARS ON REQUEST. G. W. VON ZEDLITZ, M.A. Principal MASONIC CHAMBERS, THE TERRACE. Telephone 44-651.