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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1937. Volume 8. Number 11.

"NERVES" OR NERVE! WHICH HAVE YOU? Muller's Nutrient Spans the Gap Between The Muller Nerve Rejuvenator is neither a "drug" nor "patent" medicine. but is true "NATURE REMEDY" food which "FEEDS" starved nerve cells and revitaiese the "grey mater" in the brain. Cases of Nervous Exhaustion, the "always tired" feeling, Neuritis, Neuralgis. Insornnis, and a host of kindred never Ills, receive great benefit, and often oftentimes INSTANT RELIEF by taking MULLEN NUTRIENT nerve food. A sample packet, wi…

"NERVES" OR NERVE! WHICH HAVE YOU? Muller's Nutrient Spans the Gap Between The Muller Nerve Rejuvenator is neither a "drug" nor "patent" medicine. but is true "NATURE REMEDY" food which "FEEDS" starved nerve cells and revitaiese the "grey mater" in the brain. Cases of Nervous Exhaustion, the "always tired" feeling, Neuritis, Neuralgis. Insornnis, and a host of kindred never Ills, receive great benefit, and often oftentimes INSTANT RELIEF by taking MULLEN NUTRIENT nerve food. A sample packet, with "THE WAY TO HEALTH" Booklet, will be mi for 3d. A Price Lift of Macfadden's and of Other Naiurreure books is sent for 1d. Don't delay, but cross this bridge to better health to-day. Please mention this when writing. THE MACFADDEN AGENCY AND HEALTH DEPOT 189 FEATHERSTON STREET. WELLINGTON, C.I.