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A Contribution to the Life History of Bucephalus longicornutus (Manter, 1954)

Right lateral view of a specimen of Ostrea lutaria Hutton, from Area B, Foveaux Strait, infected with the sporocysts of Bucephalus longicornutus (Manter, 1954). The visceral mass has been teased open to display the sporocyst tubules more clearly

Right lateral view of a specimen of Ostrea lutaria Hutton, from Area B, Foveaux Strait, infected with the sporocysts of Bucephalus longicornutus (Manter, 1954). The visceral mass has been teased open to display the sporocyst tubules more clearly.

Right lateral view of a specimen of Ostrea lutaria Hutton, from Area B, Foveaux Strait, infected with the sporocysts of Bucephalus longicornutus (Manter, 1954). The visceral mass has been teased open to display the sporocyst tubules more clearly.