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Zoology Publications from Victoria University of Wellington—Nos. 58 to 61

Plate 1

Plate 1

Plate 1

Fig. 1: Sagittal frozen section, dorsal body wall. Phase contrast photomicrograph × 700.

B, "basement membrane"; EC, epidermal channels; P, pigment; arrow, one of the "cavities".

Fig. 2: Sagittal 0.5μ section, dorsal body wall. MBAII stain, phase contrast photomicrograph × 1700.

A, adhesive gland secretion in an epidermal cell; B, "basment membrane); C, "cavities"; CM, circular muscles; E, epidermis; arrow, thin dense line at base of epidermis.

Figs. 3 & 4: Saggital 0.5μ sections, dorsal body wall. MBAII stain, phase contrast photomicrographs × 1700.

B, "basement membrane"; C, circular muscles; D, dorsoventral muscles; E, epidermis; L, longitudinal muscles; arrows, connections between "basement membrane" and muscles.