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Zoology Publications from Victoria University of Wellington—Nos. 78, 79 and 80

[untitled figure]

Figure 4: A, B - Ogyrides delli zoea 4, dorsal view of cephalothorax (A), maxilla (B). C - Periclimenes yaldwyni zoea 8, lateral view. D, H, J - Leander tenuicornis zoea 5(?), lateral view (D), maxilliped 1 (H), maxilla (J). E, G, I, K - Palaemon affinis zoea 6, maxilliped 2 (E), maxilliped 1 (G), maxilla (I), lateral view (K). F - Periclimenaeus (?) wilsoni last larva, maxilliped 2 (exopod omitted). (D, H, J after Gurney 1938, F after Gurney & Lebour 1941, F, H, J scale unknown.)