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Official War History of the Wellington Mounted Rifles Regiment 1914-1919

1. Bivouac of 6th W.M.R. Squadron on the beach near Khan Yunus. 2. Wadi Sultan: Led horses under cover during Has El Nagb fight. 3. A W.M.R. troop entering Wari Fara. 4. Pits excavated by the Turks in front of their position at Weli Sheikh Nuran to retard and trap storm troops. It will be noted that the excavated earth has been removed so as not to disclose the position of the holes, in each of which a sharp stake has been driven. 5. "Dad" Fitzherbert (mortally wounded at Gaza). 6. Pillars near…

1. Bivouac of 6th W.M.R. Squadron on the beach near Khan Yunus. 2. Wadi Sultan: Led horses under cover during Has El Nagb fight. 3. A W.M.R. troop entering Wari Fara. 4. Pits excavated by the Turks in front of their position at Weli Sheikh Nuran to retard and trap storm troops. It will be noted that the excavated earth has been removed so as not to disclose the position of the holes, in each of which a sharp stake has been driven. 5. "Dad" Fitzherbert (mortally wounded at Gaza). 6. Pillars near Rafa, which mark the boundary between Sinai and Palestine. 7. Aotea Home, Heliopolis. 8. Dinner-time on the desert. 9. Crusaders' Church, Khan Yunus.

1. Bivouac of 6th W.M.R. Squadron on the beach near Khan Yunus. 2. Wadi Sultan: Led horses under cover during Has El Nagb fight. 3. A W.M.R. troop entering Wari Fara. 4. Pits excavated by the Turks in front of their position at Weli Sheikh Nuran to retard and trap storm troops. It will be noted that the excavated earth has been removed so as not to disclose the position of the holes, in each of which a sharp stake has been driven. 5. "Dad" Fitzherbert (mortally wounded at Gaza). 6. Pillars near Rafa, which mark the boundary between Sinai and Palestine. 7. Aotea Home, Heliopolis. 8. Dinner-time on the desert. 9. Crusaders' Church, Khan Yunus.