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Official War History of the Wellington Mounted Rifles Regiment 1914-1919

1. The old amphitheatre at Amman. The Officers from left to right are: Captain Isdale. N.Z.M.C., and Majors Batchelar and Wilkie, W.M.R. 2. The W.M.R. on trek in the Nile Delta during the Egyptian Hots. 3. One of the guns captured by the W.M.R. in the final operations against Amman. Lieutenant Scholes, who is standing beside the gun, was subsequently awarded the Military Medal for his gallantry when this gun and others were captured

1. The old amphitheatre at Amman. The Officers from left to right are: Captain Isdale. N.Z.M.C., and Majors Batchelar and Wilkie, W.M.R. 2. The W.M.R. on trek in the Nile Delta during the Egyptian Hots. 3. One of the guns captured by the W.M.R. in the final operations against Amman. Lieutenant Scholes, who is standing beside the gun, was subsequently awarded the Military Medal for his gallantry when this gun and others were captured.

1. The old amphitheatre at Amman. The Officers from left to right are: Captain Isdale. N.Z.M.C., and Majors Batchelar and Wilkie, W.M.R. 2. The W.M.R. on trek in the Nile Delta during the Egyptian Hots. 3. One of the guns captured by the W.M.R. in the final operations against Amman. Lieutenant Scholes, who is standing beside the gun, was subsequently awarded the Military Medal for his gallantry when this gun and others were captured.