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The History of the Canterbury Mounted Rifles 1914-1919

Regimental Headquarters on the evening of August 6th, just before the attack. — Sitting—Lieut. Marchant, Capt. Blair, Lt.-Col. Findlay, Capt. Guthrie. — Standing: Lt.-Col. Bauchop. Comdg. O.M.R. — Major Overton had just left to guide the Indian Brigade

Regimental Headquarters on the evening of August 6th, just before the attack. Sitting—Lieut. Marchant, Capt. Blair, Lt.-Col. Findlay, Capt. Guthrie. Standing: Lt.-Col. Bauchop. Comdg. O.M.R. Major Overton had just left to guide the Indian Brigade.

Regimental Headquarters on the evening of August 6th, just before the attack.
Sitting—Lieut. Marchant, Capt. Blair, Lt.-Col. Findlay, Capt. Guthrie.
Standing: Lt.-Col. Bauchop. Comdg. O.M.R.
Major Overton had just left to guide the Indian Brigade.