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The 35th Battalion

Happy Fijian children, who delighted to pose for amateur photographers, amuse themselves beating a native drum, the kind which has been used for centuries in the villages. On the right is a snapshot of Mr. Fred Brookes of Wagandra, White's Hill, who was an excellent friend to the battalion in Fiji — No reference to the western area of Fiji would be complete without some reference to the CSR express, the only railway system in the Island. It carried sugar cane from the fields to the factory. On …

Happy Fijian children, who delighted to pose for amateur photographers, amuse themselves beating a native drum, the kind which has been used for centuries in the villages. On the right is a snapshot of Mr. Fred Brookes of Wagandra, White's Hill, who was an excellent friend to the battalion in Fiji No reference to the western area of Fiji would be complete without some reference to the CSR express, the only railway system in the Island. It carried sugar cane from the fields to the factory. On the left a group of Fijians pose for the photographer outside a bure

Happy Fijian children, who delighted to pose for amateur photographers, amuse themselves beating a native drum, the kind which has been used for centuries in the villages. On the right is a snapshot of Mr. Fred Brookes of Wagandra, White's Hill, who was an excellent friend to the battalion in Fiji
No reference to the western area of Fiji would be complete without some reference to the CSR express, the only railway system in the Island. It carried sugar cane from the fields to the factory. On the left a group of Fijians pose for the photographer outside a bure