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The 35th Battalion

The landing on Nissan Island, the Third Division's last venture, was prepared in infinite detail and executed like a battle practice. The larger illustration shows anti-aircraft gunners holding off attacking Japanese planes as the landing craft approach the island. Inset shows a heavy landing craft, which was grounded in the lagoon, discharging engineer equipment for immediate work on road construction

The landing on Nissan Island, the Third Division's last venture, was prepared in infinite detail and executed like a battle practice. The larger illustration shows anti-aircraft gunners holding off attacking Japanese planes as the landing craft approach the island. Inset shows a heavy landing craft, which was grounded in the lagoon, discharging engineer equipment for immediate work on road construction

The landing on Nissan Island, the Third Division's last venture, was prepared in infinite detail and executed like a battle practice. The larger illustration shows anti-aircraft gunners holding off attacking Japanese planes as the landing craft approach the island. Inset shows a heavy landing craft, which was grounded in the lagoon, discharging engineer equipment for immediate work on road construction