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Shovel Sword and Scalpel: A record of service of medical units of the second New Zealand expeditionary force in the Pacific

Once airstrips became available, air transport was invariably used to evacuate sick and wounded from the forward areas to the CCS at Guadalcanal. During the first days of combat, however, returning ships of the early echelons were pressed into service. In the above photograph wounded from the Treasuries are seen on the lift of an LST. Below: Stretcher bearers unloading wounded from a barge during the Treasury action

Once airstrips became available, air transport was invariably used to evacuate sick and wounded from the forward areas to the CCS at Guadalcanal. During the first days of combat, however, returning ships of the early echelons were pressed into service. In the above photograph wounded from the Treasuries are seen on the lift of an LST. Below: Stretcher bearers unloading wounded from a barge during the Treasury action

Once airstrips became available, air transport was invariably used to evacuate sick and wounded from the forward areas to the CCS at Guadalcanal. During the first days of combat, however, returning ships of the early echelons were pressed into service. In the above photograph wounded from the Treasuries are seen on the lift of an LST. Below: Stretcher bearers unloading wounded from a barge during the Treasury action