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Shovel Sword and Scalpel: A record of service of medical units of the second New Zealand expeditionary force in the Pacific

This does nut look a suitable training ground for troops who were to serve in the humidity of the Solomons. Waiouru Camp in the middle of winter did not offer much sope for jungle training, so members of the 24th Field Ambulance sought physical fitness by climbing Tongariro and Ruapehu

This does nut look a suitable training ground for troops who were to serve in the humidity of the Solomons. Waiouru Camp in the middle of winter did not offer much sope for jungle training, so members of the 24th Field Ambulance sought physical fitness by climbing Tongariro and Ruapehu

This does nut look a suitable training ground for troops who were to serve in the humidity of the Solomons. Waiouru Camp in the middle of winter did not offer much sope for jungle training, so members of the 24th Field Ambulance sought physical fitness by climbing Tongariro and Ruapehu