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Shovel Sword and Scalpel: A record of service of medical units of the second New Zealand expeditionary force in the Pacific

Tented field hospitals were in marked contrast to the modern facilities of the general hospital at base. None the less many a sick and wounded American and New Zealander has reason to he thankful for the ministrations of field ambulance personnel and their hospitals. Two views of the 24th Field Ambulance area on Nissan Off duly hours on Nissan were spent in many ways lint perhaps the most exciting; pastime was the hunt for giant rays. With the help of rifle, grenade and harpoon, members of the …

Tented field hospitals were in marked contrast to the modern facilities of the general hospital at base. None the less many a sick and wounded American and New Zealander has reason to he thankful for the ministrations of field ambulance personnel and their hospitals. Two views of the 24th Field Ambulance area on Nissan Off duly hours on Nissan were spent in many ways lint perhaps the most exciting; pastime was the hunt for giant rays. With the help of rifle, grenade and harpoon, members of the 24th Field Ambulance have succeeded in bringing two of these fish ashore—one measuring ten feet six inches by nine feet six

Tented field hospitals were in marked contrast to the modern facilities of the general hospital at base. None the less many a sick and wounded American and New Zealander has reason to he thankful for the ministrations of field ambulance personnel and their hospitals. Two views of the 24th Field Ambulance area on Nissan Off duly hours on Nissan were spent in many ways lint perhaps the most exciting; pastime was the hunt for giant rays. With the help of rifle, grenade and harpoon, members of the 24th Field Ambulance have succeeded in bringing two of these fish ashore—one measuring ten feet six inches by nine feet six