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Shovel Sword and Scalpel: A record of service of medical units of the second New Zealand expeditionary force in the Pacific

This well-appointed kitchen at Kalavere Hospital, Now calcdonia, is a distinct contrast to that of the 4th MAC at Moindah. Below is a picture of the administrative block of the 2nd Convalesceul Depot and Kalavere Hospital, taken before the Division returned to New Zealand from the Pacific

This well-appointed kitchen at Kalavere Hospital, Now calcdonia, is a distinct contrast to that of the 4th MAC at Moindah. Below is a picture of the administrative block of the 2nd Convalesceul Depot and Kalavere Hospital, taken before the Division returned to New Zealand from the Pacific

This well-appointed kitchen at Kalavere Hospital, Now calcdonia, is a distinct contrast to that of the 4th MAC at Moindah. Below is a picture of the administrative block of the 2nd Convalesceul Depot and Kalavere Hospital, taken before the Division returned to New Zealand from the Pacific