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The Tanks: An Unofficial History of the Activities of the Third New Zealand Division Tank Squadron in the Pacific

During a comprehensive tour of New Zealand units in the Pacific, His Excellency the Governor-General, Sir Cyril Newall, inspected the Tank" Squadron at its camp site near the Lunga River on Guadalcanal. A few tall junyle trees still dolled the area, survivors of previous action. Overleaf is another view of the camp site. The squadron's two senior officers are sliown on the opposite paye

During a comprehensive tour of New Zealand units in the Pacific, His Excellency the Governor-General, Sir Cyril Newall, inspected the Tank" Squadron at its camp site near the Lunga River on Guadalcanal. A few tall junyle trees still dolled the area, survivors of previous action. Overleaf is another view of the camp site. The squadron's two senior officers are sliown on the opposite paye

During a comprehensive tour of New Zealand units in the Pacific, His Excellency the Governor-General, Sir Cyril Newall, inspected the Tank" Squadron at its camp site near the Lunga River on Guadalcanal. A few tall junyle trees still dolled the area, survivors of previous action. Overleaf is another view of the camp site. The squadron's two senior officers are sliown on the opposite paye