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Letter from John Cawte Beaglehole to his Mother, 18 September 1926

About the electronic version

Letter from John Cawte Beaglehole to his Mother, 18 September 1926

Author: Beaglehole, John Cawte

Creation of machine-readable version:

Creation of digital images: Teresa Shewry

Conversion to TEI.2-conformant markup: Ruth Glassey

Publicly accessible


Extent: ca. 38 kilobytes

Illustrations have been included from the original source.


Every effort has been made to preserve the Māori macron using unicode.

Some keywords in the header are a local Electronic Text Collection scheme to aid in establishing analytical groupings.

Revisions to the electronic version

  • 19 November 2004
    Jamie Norrish
    Corrected "Osterly" to "Osterley". Corrected spelling of Cape Guardafui.

  • 8 September 2004
    Colin Doig
    Added name tags to various names of people/places/organisation/titles.

  • 16 August 2004
    Jason Darwin
    General document-wide corrections: changed hyphens to em-dashes; added [orig] tags around all words hyphenated over line-breaks; changed non-monetary fractions to true fractions; specified full expansion for all abbreviations; changed hyphen in numeric ranges to en-dashes; specified supralinear additions where they appear in the text of the letter; ensured all indented paragraphs are tagged [p rend="indent"]. Corrected text on page 1: changed "SS Osterley" to SS. "Osterley"; changed "in, hills of bare rock" to "in — hills of bare rock,"; changed "sand hills" to "sandhills"; changed "anyone promised" to "anybody promised"; changed "between 10 am" to "between 10 am."; changed "nights ago but" to "nights ago; but"; changed "think its nice" to "think it's just nice"; changed "anything but otherwise" to "anything; but otherwise". Corrected text on page 2: changed "happened the weather" to "happened, the weather"; changed "cricket amp" to "cricket &"; changed "I must say that I am" to "I may say that I am"; changed "winning a gents" to "winning the gent's"; changed "Gang. Winfield has" to "Gang. Whinield has"; changed "few revolvers amp we" to "few revolvers & we"; changed "bombs amp crackers" to "bombs & crackers". Corrected text on page 3: changed "the sub-heroic" to "the sub-heroine"; changed "[unclear: greasy]" to "greasy"; changed "which Mc Grath" to "which McGrath"; changed "least Mc Grath" to "least McGrath'; changed "invoking a terrific" to "involving a terrific". Corrected text on page 4: changed "to do some for my" to "to do some for my poetry"; changed "Cimpalese" to "Cingalese"; changed "potmark" to "postmark". Corrected text on page 5: changed "catamarans" to "catamerans"; changed "skin the watery" to "skim the watery'; changed "agency. Pickfords" to "agency, Pickfords"; changed "fingers sends" to "fingers' ends"; changed "the crowd" to "that crowd". Corrected text on page 6: changed "really ugly of" to "really ugly or"; changed "palms coconut tress" to "palms & coconut trees"; changed "Shops & houses" to "Shop & houses"; inserted missing text "a not un-pleasant tropical smell all around us;"; changed "same lights showing" to "our lights showing". Corrected text on page 7: changed "beautiful ground" to "beautiful grounds"; changed "all that would" to "all that could"; changed "insatiable appetitie" to "insatiable appetite"; Corrected text on page 8: changed "mange-tree" to "mango-tree"; changed "firing another brief" to "giving another brief"; changed "Menkin the Magician" to "Merlin the Magician"; changed "driven, let us go" to "driver, let her go". Corrected text on page 9: changed "form part of" to "form a party of"; changed "[unclear] bob" to "3 bob". Corrected text on page 10: changed "liked to see" to "liked to set"; changed "hand painted" to "hand-printed"; changed "so quids" to "so quids'"; changed "£4 or 5" to "£4 or £5"; changed "tray on a plate" to "tray or plate". Corrected text on page 11: changed "them, a crowd" to "them, & a crowd"; changed "in the [unclear: lighters]" to "on the lighters"; changed "stars very think" to "stars very thick". Corrected text on page 12: changed "[unclear: Loure]" to "home"; changed "[unclear: Cingalese] to "Cingalese"; changed "theplace" to "the place"; changed "bug wagons" "big wagons"; changed "primitive customs banged" to "primitive customs bang"; changed "fried on the most" to "fried in the most"; changed "paper" to "papaw"; changed "tower on foot" to "town on foot"; changed "say one thing" to "any one thing"; changed "worth reading them" to "worth reading then".

  • 20 July 2004
    Jamie Norrish
    Added page break element for first page. Corrected transcription error on page 3: "herioc" to "heroic". Removed unclear status on "snickersnee" on page 3. Added missing semicolon on page 3. Correction transcription error on page 4: "Mc Grath" to "McGrath". Added missing line on page 6, starting "above the lot of it". Added missing em-dash on page 11.

  • 1 March 2004
    Jamie Norrish
    Altered TEI Header: altered format of XML, added extent of electronic file, fixed respStmts in fileDesc.

  • 7 January 2004
    Rob George
    altered spacing of markup