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Letter from John Cawte Beaglehole to his Mother, 3 November, 1927

About the electronic version

Letter from John Cawte Beaglehole to his Mother, 3 November, 1927

Author: Beaglehole, John Cawte

Creation of machine-readable version: Virginia Gow, New Zealand Electronic Text Centre

Creation of digital images: Virginia Gow, New Zealand Electronic Text Centre

Conversion to TEI.2-conformat markup: Virginia Gow, New Zealand Electronic Text Centre

Publicly accessible


Extent: ca. 23 kilobytes

Illustrations have been included from the original source.


Every effort has been made to preserve the Māori macron using unicode.

Some keywords in the header are a local Electronic Text Collection scheme to aid in establishing analytical groupings.

Revisions to the electronic version

  • 4 November 2004
    Kelly Lambert
    General document-wide corrections: removed unclear tags; changed double quotation marks to "“" and "”"; changed the markup of indented paragraphs to "[p rend="indent"]"; changed em and en dashes to correct character entity references; noted abbreviations; changed punctuation; changed letter and word spacing. Corrected text on page 1: changed "[unclear]pacer [/unclear] to" to "parents"; changed "Fronnie" to "Frannie"; changed "kinds" to "birds"; changed "Cambell" to "Campbell"; changed "[unclear]forever[/unclear] to "Geneva". Corrected text on page 2: changed "Mrs" to "Mrs."; changed "gan" to "gang"; changed "group" to "gang"; changed "hand" to "hang". Corrected text on page 3: changed "[unclear]regard[/unclear]" to "wizard"; changed "[unclear]increased[/unclear]" to "[unclear]unearned[/unclear]"; changed "ensured" to "consumed"; changed "Fronnie" to "Frannie"; changed "[unclear]Hist.[/unclear] Soc." to "[abbr expan="Historical Society"]Hist. Soc.[/abbr]"; changed "on" to "of". Corrected text on page 4: changed "chew" to "crew"; changed "THe" to "the"; changed "[unclear][/unclear]" to "rumour". Corrected text on page 5: changed "tea-pot for state-occasions -" to "tea–pot for state–occasions —"; changed "I"m" to "I’m"; changed "You" to "Your"; changed "elege.[/orig]" to "ilege.[/orig]"; changed "improbably" to "impregnably"; changed "Johnathon" to "Jonathan". Corrected text on page 6: changed "dead" to "dear"; changed "alas" to "also"; changed "previous" to "precious"; changed "1/4" to "¼"; changed "[unclear][/unclear]" to "1.30". Corrected text on page 7: changed "[unclear]Chd[/unclear]" to "[unclear]Club[/unclear]". Corrected text on page 8: changed "[unclear][/unclear]" to "Rasumovsky"; changed "night" to "right"; changed "feet" to "feat". Corrected text on page 9: changed "[unclear]Cachymondol[/unclear]" to "lachrymose". Corrected text on page 10: changed "[unclear]fat-hats.[/unclear]" to "fal–lals.".

  • 2 August 2004
    Jamie Norrish
    Corrected markup of Ph.D on page 10: abbreviation, not mistake.

  • 1 March 2004
    Jamie Norrish
    Altered TEI Header: added date to fileDesc title, altered format of XML, fixed respStmts in fileDesc, added extents of electronic and source documents.