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Design Review: Volume 3, Issue 3 (November- December 1950)

Paint and Modern Interiors — Correct Method of Application

page 62

Paint and Modern Interiors
Correct Method of Application

With the advent of modern interior decoration as we know it today, paint has taken on a new importance. Before, it was merely a means of preservation and relief to masses of heavy wallpaper, but now it carries, sometimes solely, the responsibility for unifying the whole interior design and establishing the “atmosphere” of the room. Because of its new importance, far more attention should be paid to correct preparation of surfaces and application of paint than is sometimes done, particularly by amateurs. If the correct methods are used, the rewards are twofold. The painted surface is even, hard and without the slightest discolouration, and, secondly, its life is greatly lengthened.

To facilitate this, B.A.L.M. have issued specifications for interior painting and they stress the danger to the work of using any other primers than those indicated with B.A.L.M. finishes or, conversely, B.A.L.M. primers with any other finishes. Architects, master painters and all those concerned with paint will be interested to know that all B.A.L.M. products are right up to pre-war quality in formulæ, and their lasting qualities are unrivalled.

Specifications for Interior Painting

Dulux Gloss Enamel Finish

A.—On New Woodwork.

Operation 1: Brush one coat of 60.1002 Dulux Oil Base Under-coat White and dry at least 24 hours before recoating.

Operation 2: Brush one coat of Dulux Intermediate Coating 66 Line and dry at least 24 hours.

Operation 3: Brush one coat of Dulux Brushing 88 Line.

B.—Over Previously Painted Surfaces.

Operation 1: Brush one coat of Dulux Intermediate Coating 66 Line, and allow at least 24 hours before recoating.

Operation 2: Brush one coat of Dulux Brushing 88 Line.

Note: If old paint surface is in good clean condition and no marked colour change is required, one coat only of Dulux 88 Line may be used.

Dulux 68 Line Supermatt Satin Finish

C.—On New Woodwork.

Operation 1: Brush one coat of Oil Base Undercoat for Dulux 60.1002 and allow to dry 24 hours before recoating.

Operation 2: Brush one coat of Dulux Intermediate Coating 66 Line and allow to dry 24 hours before recoating.

Operation 3: Brush one coat of Dulux Supermatt Satin Finish 68 Line.

Dulux 68 Line Supermatt Flat Finish

D.—On New Plaster, Gibraltar Board & Similar Surfaces.

Operation 1: Brush one coat of B.A.L.M. “Cemseal” 61.1004 and allow to dry at least 24 hours before recoating.

Operations 2 and 3: As for Operations 2 and 3 on new woodwork.

Dulux 68 Line Supermatt Satin Finish

E.—Over Old Paint Surfaces.

Operation 1: Brush one coat of Dulux Intermediate Coating 66 Line and dry at least 24 hours before recoating.

Operation 2: Brush one coat of Dulux Supermatt Satin Finish 68 Line.

Note: Where the old surface is in reasonable condition and no marked colour change is required, then one coat only of Dulux Supermatt Satin Finish 68 Line may be used.

Dulux Supermatt Flat 69 Line for Ceilings

F.—On Surfaces Previously Painted in Oil Paints.

Brush one or two coats, as deemed necessary, of Dulux Supermatt Flat 69 Line, allowing to dry at least 24 hours between coats.

Any additional information will be gladly supplied if enquiries are made to the Technical Service Dept., British Australian Lead Manufacturers (N.Z.) Ltd., Lower Hutt.