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Ture Whakamana Take Whenua Maori.





1.Short Title.
3.Constitution of Court.
4.Status and tenure of office of Judges.
5.Appointment of officers.
6.Powers of Judge over suitors and witnesses.
7.Jurisdiction of Court.
8.Duties of Registrars of Native Land Courts, &c.
9.Powers of Judge as to admission of evidence, and over all questions arising before him.
10.Powers of validation.
11.Court may not validate private purchases of land after notice published of prior rights of the Crown.
12.Court may validate bonâ fide land transactions when such notice not publisbed.
13.Finality of decrees, and duty of District Land Registrar to act in obedience to them.
14.Money orders and decrees for possession of land.
15.Return to be laid before Parliament.
16.Confirmation of certificates by Parliament.
17.Costs of Court.
18.Governor may make general rules.
19.Voluntary arrangement.
20.Stay of proceedings in all other Courts upon transactions brought for validation in this Court.
21.Appeal to Appeal Court of New Zealand.
22.Costs of appeals.
23.Enforcement of obedience to orders and decrees of Court.
24.Validation Court may order partition by Native Land Court.