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Proceedings of of the Kohimarama Conference, Comprising Nos. 13 to 18 of the "Maori Messenger."

Reply from Ngatikahungunu. No. 2

Reply from Ngatikahungunu. No. 2.

July 16, 1860.

Friend, Governor Browne,—

Salutations to you, in the work of promoting the temporal welfare (of the people). At this time your words are fully laid before us and ours before you.

As to difficulties which may arise after this Conference, the tribes who have assembled here to listen to your words must arrange these, conjointly with the Government.

There is another case of dispute at Turanga, at Makaraka. It is about the land of Te Kamu Kahutia and Raharuhi Rukupo. Our desire is that the dispute about that land should be quietly settled. This is our view respecting that piece of land. Horses and cattle have been offered as payment for that land; but it will be for the Government to settle this matter with the parties who own the land, so that it may be properly arranged, and that the Maories and Pakehas of Turanga may dwell peaceably together.

Friend, when cases of dispute or difficulty (like this) come to your knowledge, do you send some one to talk the matter over quietly with us in order that what is right may be done, lest evil should grow up among us; rather let there be one law and one rule of action, namely, that we should love one another as brethren. Thus will the love of the elder brother towards his younger brother, the Maori, appear, even by carefully training us in that which will benefit both.

This is also a word from Paretene Pototi to me, that I should go and hear the words of the Governor. These were his words: "Go and tell the Governor to make peace (with William King) and stop the war, so that both Maories and Pakehas may live and prosper together."

These are the words of those who stayed at home at Turanga. They were spoken by them.

The words of one old chief, of Te Kemara Manutahi, were to the same effect—love to the Pakeha and love to the Maori, and that peace should be made between the Governor and William King.

Another old man, Pita Tutapaturangi, expressed himself to the same effect,—for good alone, and that the people of every place should dwell in peace.

The words of another old man, named Hare Tauomanaia, were the same—for good alone, page 38 and that peace should be made between you (and William King).

Eraihia Te Kotuku's words were to the same effect—good-will towards the Pakehas and the Maories.

We have no other sentiments.

From Na Tamati Hapimana Te Rangi,
From Na Tamihana Ruatapu,
From Na Te Waka Ruatahuna,
From the people of Turanga Nuiarua.