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Sport 20: Autumn 1998

Michelangelo: St Matthew—Unfinished

page 124

Michelangelo: St Matthew—Unfinished

It had been a good day
we had looked upon fine work

and now as the house
gathers toward evening he
she comes to the top
of the stairs her dress
rests on her shoulders late
afternoon tumbles
about her Christ he says
she feels as powerful
as God. Christ
he says again and walks away

in the closing of time she
hears not only his footsteps
once before but
through gauzy distance
the tap tap tap of a chisel
when a man carved
so deep into stone
he felt the heart move then
wiped the sweat from his eyes
and walked away

the woman wonders

and all the while the house
prepares for the evening
someone closes a book
page 125 gives a small sigh or is it
the sound of a leaf being
pressed between pages
so the story can be picked
up again later? In the
corners of the room where
they will eat candles
are placed marking
both an end and a beginning

and in the light of the dusk
the woman looks out
the window over
the olive trees marvels
at their endurance.