Title: Find the

Author: Edmund Cake

In: Sport 28: Autumn 2002

Publication details: Fergus Barrowman, March 2002, Wellington

Part of: Sport

Keywords: Verse Literature

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Sport 28: Autumn 2002

Find the

page 202

Find the

Find the man that wrapped a piece of sellotape
around this can
Here at the dump we try to discover the source
of adjusted junk

Find the man who threw away this bread bag
full of broken and run out pens
Me and Dan pick through the rubbish
like stupid fucking hens

Find the kitty who once wore this collar
around its neck
find the dog whose owner screwed up
this registration cheque

Find the boy that drew in green felt
on these toast crusts
Find the girl that let the banana sap dry
set into tiny busts
and chucked them out

Find the woman who threw this hook
into the fire
Shiny silver in the shop, then red hot
Dan holds it up to the light
we're gazing at its black thread

Find the man that bit at the end of this pen
chewed the middle of the switch thin
like an axeman at a log on a stand
throwing glances between splinters
at the progress of his rival

page 203

and the blue log breaks apart in his teeth
and his penduluming arms wet with sweat
stop swinging
and tiny fragments of blue bic plastic
are caught in the net of his liver
or burned up in his bile