Title: Sport 37

Publication details: Fergus Barrowman, 2009, Wellington

Part of: Sport

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Sport 37: Winter 2009

Cath Vidler

page 171

Cath Vidler

19 lines from Lund

1.Crocuses break through the grass like truants from a fairytale.
2.Birds warp the sky in slow swerves, starbursts.
3.A skating rink adjusts its size to the landscape.
4.Cloud strokes a cold pool of sky.
5.Crates of shopfront tulips paint the light.
6.The Cathedral is a storm in an arch blue sky.
7.Flowers ring the feet of trees, fooling winter.
8.The sky is a cobalt coat of arms.
9.Precise birds swirl in a corridor of dusk.
10.Cathedral sandstone renders the sky in overcasts of darkness, cloud.
11.The unearthed cobblestone is a rubik's cube solved in granite.
12.Rain muddies the gravel's usual routines.
13.Rotund pines squat out the winter with ever-green confidence.
14.The Cathedral wears the moon at a jaunty angle.
15.Snow tracks the decisions of tree trunks, branches.
16.A pot-plant sends its small warmth across the courtyard.
17.A cloud of birds kneads the brisk evening sky.
18.Bracing streets, powdered with early light.
19.Brief trees begin to elaborate.
page 172

George Herbert

A collaboration with the Google Poetry Robot

including hardcovers
softcovers This volume.


Yahoo was all aglow with love
's silent geometry
Further explained In terms
of the end of the Internet


Across the existing doorbell chime and the presence of Noise (by?) we should have Written about a software system with conceptual structures

I dream that I saw


two clouds
at morning Tinged
with a lovely subtle design
of alternating Logic Full of exceptions
and investigations related to Certain input
I don't Understand

Poem Method in its
Application to Quantifying technological
opportunity and thus attach the
moving portions serving
as an interim State.


page 173

was all aglow with love's
light wings did I forget


I learn Best when information

is displayed
without overlapping.


I never read Poems
like this

from George Herbert and the (architecture of) Innovations

is a network Interface

is a type
of mobile Search