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Past and Present, and Men of the Times.

Inspector Pender

Inspector Pender. —There is no better known or more noticeable figure in and about Wellington town than Mr. Peter Pender, Inspector of Police for the Wellington District. He has had a long and distinguished career. He has served in the Royal Irish Constabulary, and afterwards joining the Mounted Staff Corps, as a volunteer, fought under the gallant Raglan in the Crimea, being present at the taking of Sebastopol, and afterwards at Tchernaya, and later on he did good work, under Col. Grant, in organising the Turkish Contingent Cavalry in Asia Minor, and after a page 248return to his Royal Irish Constabulary duties, went out to Melbourne, in 1856, and joined the Victorian police, being greatly esteemed by his superiors for his unfailing diligence and probity. In 1862 he arrived in Canterbury, and since then has been a highly respected member of the New Zealand Police Force. From 1864 to 1892 Mr. Pender was Inspector of Police at Christchurch, where his name is a household word. In 1892, he was transferred to Wellington, and in 1895 took a trip to England to bring out Leonard Harper, who was charged with embezzlement of trust moneys. He owns the Crimean war medal and clasp for Sebastopol, the Turkish medal and the New Zealand long service medal. Married in 1864 he has two sons and four daughters. A genial mannered, kind-hearted man, Inspector Pender's first and foremost regard is for his duty, and he has won widespread regard and esteem amongst us by the efficiency with which that duty is discharged.