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Picturesque Dunedin: or Dunedin and its neighbourhood in 1890



Wireworking is also one of the industries which thrive in Dunedin; the manufacture of wire-wove mattresses being a. specialty of Mr. Charles Bills, George street, whilst Mr. J. W. Faulkner has erected new works in Castle and Cumberland streets, where he produces all descriptions of wire and ornamental fencing, &c. (wire sheep netting being a specialty).

In addition to the various industries that have been enumerated, there are die sinkers, flock manufacturers, a furrier, fellmongers, monumental masons, sculptors, tinsmiths, engravers, and all the usual trades found in a business city.

This brief and necessarily imperfect review will help to show what a change has taken place in Dunedin during the half-century; these flourishing industries being now carried on where in those early days referred to there was nothing but a. wilderness, a flax swamp, or the placid waters on the bay.