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Musings in Maoriland


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Land of the speckless sky and broad red sun,
  Thou gavest me the largest part of life,
And I shall love thee till that life has run
  Into the mystic vale of rest, where strife
     And sorrow cease.

Prize of the stalwart Islemen of the North,
  Picked out of Freedom's body-guard for thee,
To summon thy proline treasures forth,
  They brought with them the charter of the free,
     Their endless lease.

No crimson blood-spot stains thy tranquil face,
  Illumined by the day-god's richest glance,
Adopted mother of a manly race,
  Oh may thy power still prosper and advance,
    Thy wealth increase.

page 169

Fame, in her mighty volume of the past,
  For thee, New Mother, keeps no gory leaf,
Oh, never may war's black, despoiling blast
  Soil thy bright banner of the yellow sheaf
     And golden fleece.

As Freedom's outposts on Pacific's breast
  Thy smaller sisters stand around thy throne;
Each wears a queenly diadem and crest,
  But thou art Empress of the South alone—
    Reign on in peace.