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White Wings Vol I. Fifty Years Of Sail In The New Zealand Trade, 1850 TO 1900

The Wreck Of The City

The Wreck Of The City.

The "City" had not a very long life, as she became a total wreck in 1878. In command of Captain Ralls she sailed from London for Napier and Auckland with 240 emigrants on board and a cargo of railway iron, 300 tons of which was for Napier and the balance for Auckland. There was great excitement in Auckland and Napier on October 23 when the "Auckland Star" published a message from Wellington telling that the City of Auckland had gone a shore on the Otaki Beach the night before, and as communication was not so rapid then as it is now, the fate of the ship and her large number of passengers was not known immediately. The ship went ashore at half past nine at night, and one can imagine the consternation of the emigrants. Immediately she struck the hatches were battened down by order of Captain Ralls, who was then in command, and it was decided to keep the emigrants below until some measures could be adopted for their safety. The poor people, however, became so excited and were in such a state of terror that they at last burst the hatches open and rushed on deck.

Captain Ralls at once placed a guard over the boats, and took steps to restore order among the frightened people. It was eight o'clock the following morning before a boat could be launched, and the Captain then sent a crew ashore to get assistance. The Otaki settlers lost no time in going off to the help of the people on the stranded ship.