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White Wings Vol II. Founding Of The Provinces And Old-Time Shipping. Passenger Ships From 1840 To 1885

The Padishah

page 191

The Padishah.

This fine clipper ship, one of the last of the sailing vessels to bring a large number of passengers to New Zealand, was comparatively a new vessel, having been launched at Greenock from the yards of Steele in 1876 for Messrs. J. and W. Stewart. She was a vessel of 1,256 tons. Commanded by Captain Minns, she sailed from Gravesend on the 1st, and Falmouth on the 5th December, 1879. The Line was crossed on the 26th day out, and the Cape rounded on the 23rd January, 1880. Tasmania was passed on February 19th, and the Snares sighted on the 24th. The following day she anchored at Port Chalmers, 84 days from Falmouth. She brought out 168 passengers.

The Padishah made another voyage to Port Chalmers in 1881. She sailed from London on the 29th June, and cleared the Lizard on July 3rd. The equator was crossed on the 24th day out, the Cape rounded on August 16th, Tasmania passed on September 13th, and the Snares on September 16th, the vessel arriving in port on the 20th September, 82 days anchor to anchor, and 75 land to land. On this voyage she brought out only 20 passengers.