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White Wings Vol II. Founding Of The Provinces And Old-Time Shipping. Passenger Ships From 1840 To 1885



Sarah Bell, 812 tons, Captain Ditchburn, sailed September 21st, 1877, arrived January 4th. Passengers, 26.

County of Peebles, 1614 tons, Captain Fordyce, sailed November 3rd, 1877. Cleared Channel November 15th. Arrived January 29th. Passengers, 37.

Strathblane, 1363 tons, Captain Crawford, sailed February 4th, arrived May 9th. Passengers, 22.

Panmure, 1505 tons, Captain Downie, sailed April 6th, arrived July 13th. Passengers, 29.

Rokeby Hall, 1044 tons, Captain Clark, sailed May 10th, arrived August 21st. Passengers, 22.