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Gallipoli Diary

Friday May 14-15 W. KRITHIA Road bivouac

Friday May 14-15 W. KRITHIA Road bivouac

Continued fine weather. Men
were marched to beach this morning
for bathing parade. HMS Goliath
was sunk last Wednesday evening presumably
by Turkish torpedo boat which
must have come up from [gap — reason: illegible]
coast during darkness. N.Z. Mtd Rifles
landed (without horses) at KABA
TEPE yesterday from Egypt.
Mounted troops cannot be used
here at all in their ordinary way
in fact the whole of present war
seems to be fought by infantry &
artillery. Enemy has found range
to our beaches & bivouac grounds
today and are shelling us here
like fun. It is fun, for the men
mostly joke & make witty remarks
about the screaming shrapnel or
the hum of the high explosive
projectiles as they are hurled
through the air. Considerable damage
has been done tho' and a number of
men & horses have been put out of action.

page 58

The following congratulatory
messages have been received.

From H.M. the King.–“It is with
intense satisfaction that I have heard
of the success which in the face of
determined resistance has attended
the combined Naval & Military operations
in the Dardanelles. Please convey to
all ranks my hearty congratulations
on their splendid achievement.”

From Sir Ian Hamilton GOC
Med. Exp. Force — “May I speaking
out of a full heart, be permitted to
say how gloriously the Aust & N.Z.
contingents have upheld the finest
traditions of our race. during this
struggle still in progress; at first
with audacity & dash, since then
with sleepless valour & untiring
resource. They have allready
created for their countries an
imperishable record of military
virtue”. – –