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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Wellington Provincial District]

Herbert, William

Herbert, William, Painter and Decorator, Revans Street, Wellington. Telephone 157. Bankers, National Bank of New Zealand. Mr. Herbert occupies a shop with dwelling attached. The shop is a neat one of 20 by 16 feet, with a large show window. It is well stocked with paperhangings and painters' requisites. Mr. Herbert is an importer, and supplies the trade. He also is an extensive contractor and builder, and has erected a number of cottages on his own account in the City, which are well let. Mr. Herbert was born in England, where he served his apprenticeship to the painting trade in London. He worked some time as a journeyman for various firms. Coming to New Zealand many years ago, he added to his business experience in Greymouth and Reefton before settling in Wellington. He was also working at his trade in Melbourne. The present business, which was founded in 1892, was taken over three years later. Mr. Herbert employs as many as fourteen hands, and has a large turnover for a new business. One of the contracts recently carried on by him was the painting of the page 619 Wellington cab and express shelter sheds. Mr. Herbert is assisted in his business by Mrs. Herbert, and does an increasing counter trade.