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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]

Mr. Charles Lezard

Mr. Charles Lezard, an ex-Councillor of the City of Christchurch, was born in London in 1838, where he was educated and apprenticed to the watchmakers and jewellers' trade in the Horological School at Geneva, serving for seven years. Mr. Lezard landed at Port Chalmers from the ship “Oliver Cromwell,” in 1862, and at once settled in Canterbury, establishing the business which he has since conducted in High Street. He was a member of No. 9 Company of Volunteers in the Canterbury Battalion from 1863 to 1868, and obtained the rank of lieutenant. He was initiated in the Masonic Order in London, but is unattached in New Zealand. Mr. Lezard is also an old member of the American Order of Oddfellows. He was married in 1865 to a daughter of Mr. Jacob Schwartz, of Bavaria, and has two sons and eight daughters.