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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Nelson, Marlborough & Westland Provincial Districts]

Jackson, Adam Watson

Jackson, Adam Watson, Farmer, “Runnymede,” Old Renwick Road, near Blenheim. Mr. Jackson's section contains 510 acres, and is admitted to be one of the best farms in the Wairau Plain. The bulk of the land was originally taken up by the late Mr. Adam Jackson, one of Nelson's pioneer settlers, who successfully farmed it
Macey, photo.Mr. A. W. Jackson.

Macey, photo.
Mr. A. W. Jackson.

till 1878, when the present owner obtained a lease. Mr. Jackson subsequently acquired the property on a purchasing clause, and bought the adjoining section in 1891. During the fist eight years of his ownership, Mr. Jackson experieneed the usual hardships inseparable from want of capital; but with the aid of intelligence and hard work, he gradually overcame his difficulties, About 160 acres of the farm are cropped annually, and from 600 to 700 good three-quarterbred Lincoln sheep are depastured, besides other stock. Mr. Jackson has latterly devoted his attention to a stud of pure Lincoln sheep, for which purpose he imported pure bred ewes and rams. In 1899, he imported a complete up-to-date threshing plant by Clayton and Shuttleworth, including an eight horse-power traction engine, the services of which have been eagerly sought by the farmers on the page 356 Plain. Mr. Jackson was born in Nelson, in September 1851, and is the second son of the late Mr. Adam Jackson. He has a family of nine, and the older sons take an active part in the working of the estate. It is Mr. Jackson's intention, whilst retaining full control of the management of the farm, to reside at Springlands, where he has bought a commodious residence, and to devote a portion of his time to public affairs. He has had many years of experience as a member of various local bodies, and takes a keen interest in politics.