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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Nelson, Marlborough & Westland Provincial Districts]

Mr. John Samuel Dawes

Mr. John Samuel Dawes , formerly editor and part proprietor of the “Hokitika Guardian and Evening Star,” was interested in the journal until the year 1903, when he disposed of his interest to his partners, Messrs D. J. Evans and Charles Nightingale. He was born at Birmingham, England, and is a son of the late Mr. J. S. Dawes, F.R.G.S., one of the founders of the Midland Institute, of Birmingham, and was educated at Edgbaston. On the death of his father, in the year 1880, Mr. Dawes came to New Zealand, and landed at Lyttelton. After twelve months of clerical work in Wellington, he went to the West Coast, and became editor and proprietor of the “Hokitika Guardian and Evening Star.” Mr. Dawes was a prominent member of the Hokitika boating club, and was associated with most of the clubs and institutions in Hokitika. He occupied a seat on the Borough Council for a term, and in 1898, he took an active part in endeavouring to promote the shipping interests of the port. Mr. Dawes retired from business in the year 1903, and removed to Wanganui.