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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Nelson, Marlborough & Westland Provincial Districts]



The Australian Mutual Provident Society , West Coast branch, Mawhera Quay, Greymouth. This office was opened in March, 1893, and the business of the society on the West Coast, is managed by the officer in charge.

Mr. Alfred Geoffrey Kemp was appointed District Secretary of the Australian Mutual Provident Society's branch at Greymouth in the year 1905. Mr. Kemp is the eldest son of Dr. W. G. Kemp, formerly of Wellington. He was born in January, 1871, and was educated in Wellington, and at Wanganui College. Mr. Kemp afterwards entered the service of the Australian Mutual Provident Society in Wellington, in 1888, and was subsequently appointed to Greymouth. While in Wellington, he was a member of the Thorndon Bowling Club.

The Government Life Insurance Office for the West Coast district is situated in Tainui Street, Greymouth. The building contains a public office, an agent's room, and the resident agent's private room. The staff consists of the officer-in-charge and a clerk.

Mr. Robert Sanderson Latta was appointed Resident Agent of the Government Life Department at Greymouth in the year 1904. He was formerly a teacher at Auckland, and entered the service of the Government Life Department in 1893.