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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Taranaki, Hawke's Bay & Wellington Provincial Districts]

Hairdressers and Tobacconists

Hairdressers and Tobacconists.

Jensen, John Robert, Hairdresser and Tobacconist, Broadway, Stratford. This business was established in the year 1902. It is conducted in a wood and iron building, which contains a shop, and a saloon with two chairs. A general stock of tobacco and fancy goods is maintained, Mr. Jensen was born in the year 1877, in Blenheim, was educated at Wanganui, and learned his business under his father. He is an honorary member of the Stratford Football Club; for three years he was a member of the Stratford Brass Band; was a member of the Wanganui band for one year; and is a member of the Stratford Gun Club, and Boxing Association. In 1902 he married a daughter of Mr. William Brun-skill, ol the firm of W. and J. Staples, boot manufacturers, Wellington, and has one daughter.

McAlister, photo,Mr. J. R. Jensen.

McAlister, photo,
Mr. J. R. Jensen.

Mercer, Thomas, Hairdresser, Tobacconist, and Billiard Room Proprietor, Broadway, Stratford. This business was established in September, 1891, and was the first of its kind in Stratford. It is conducted in a building of wood and iron, which contains a shop with a verandah, a saloon fitted with three chairs, and a well-lighted billiard room, which contains a fine table by Wright Ranish and Co. Mr. Mercer was born in the year 1870, at Maidstone, Kent, England, and came to New Zealand with his parents at an early age. He was educated in Nelson, and learned his trade with Mr. Aldous, in Wellington.